
A-Z Voice Termination

As a leading wholesale VOIP carrier, we provide you reliable routing worldwide for highly competitive rates. With millions of minutes terminated monthly - since 2003.


Global Phone Numbers

Stay connected. Maintain open lines and always connect trough reliable, high quality routing. We provide virtual numbers and also global toll free numbers.


Premium quality only

We have a broad network worldwide, providing 500 direct routes with all leading carriers. We supply high quality routing only, guaranteeing the best voice quality.

For all your business needs

Wholesale VoIP Termination

We offer high cps for predicitve dialing for massive outgoing calls. Also with our unlimited channels and high calls per second service, you don't need to worry about anything and can keep your focus on your work!

Unlimited concurrent calls

With us, you don't have to pay per channel anymore. Our VoIP termination service includes unlimited concurrent calls in most of the contries around the world.

Market leading rates

Benefit from our highly competetive prices. With our direct partnerships with leading carriers, we are able to provide you with the most competetive rates in the market.
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We Provide High-Quality
Voice Termination at highly competetive rates

Direct routing

Wholesale Voice Termination


Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Maler-Müller-Weg 3,
67067 Ludwigshafen am Rhein – Germany